Vocations Sunday

Tomorrow is Good Shepherd Sunday which is also World Day of Prayer for Vocations. In St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, Pope Benedict XVI will be ordaining 22 deacons to the priesthood. In many places all over the world, there will be multiple activities to arouse consciousness (maybe I should say curiosity!) as to what this call to consecrated life and the priesthood is all about.
As to prejudices, no doubt there have always been and there continue to be many. I remember how years ago, my Auntie asked me discretely after my Papa confided to her that I was thinking of entering the convent: "But why? Have you been frustrated in love?" I told her I had a line of suitors and 2 offers of marriage (I was 20 then!).

Sr. Louise, a co-sister from Ireland produced a short video clip in 2005 for her video course, dealing on this topic. I promise you'll enjoy it. In fact, she already received inquiries whether she was a real nun! Just don't mind the introductory part (she was just a beginner then). Are you ready? If you are, then click here and see that you and I are really "not worlds apart!"