
A very simple thought for today comes from the deepening of Mt 6:1-6, 6-18 on prayer, almsgiving and fasting. Our Lord’s injunction is simple: to keep these acts of religion out of the public eye - "when you pray, lock yourself in your room; when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing; when you fast, do not look dismal like the hypocrites."
What is this all about? For me it concerns the call to interiority. Religious acts are meant to express the growth of our relationship with our Father “who is in secret and sees in secret.” Even if these acts entail “public expressions” – like almsgiving - the motive or intention behind every act should come from the heart.
There is a beautiful text from the Book of Micah which synthesizes for me this beautiful injunction from our Lord. "You have been told, what is good, and what the Lord requires of you: do justice, love tenderly and walk humbly with your God."