Passion Sunday 2010

Today, March 28, is Passion Sunday, the beginning of the Holy Week celebration this year 2010. The “passion” here refers to the suffering and death of our Lord Jesus Christ. But it could also refer to his “passion for God and passion for all of us” that is, his great love for his Father and for all of us, his sisters and brothers, under the same paternity of God.
As we enter into the celebration of the central mystery of our Christian faith – the passion, death and resurrection of our Lord – may our daily struggles and sufferings find meaning in the light of this great love that Jesus has for us.
“There can be no human beings who are completely alone in their sufferings since God, in and through Jesus, has become Emmanuel, God with us. It belongs to the center of our faith that God is a faithful God, a God who did not want us to ever be alone but who wanted to understand – to stand under—all that is human. The Good News of the Gospel, therefore, is not that God came to take our suffering away, but that God wanted to become part of it.” (Henri Nouwen, The Road to Peace, p.111)