Trinity Sunday

The Church’s liturgy has many beautiful ways of describing the Trinity’s presence and operation in our lives. One which I love most is the initial greeting at Mass: "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you." (cf 2 Cor 13:13)
My contemplation of today’s mystery might be too simplistic but this is how I would like to imagine the unity and diversity of the Three persons – God the Father (Mother) as Lover, God the Son as the Beloved, God the Holy Spirit as Love. The Trinity is not so much a circle of love centered only on themselves but a centrifugal power of love that extends outward and embraces whatever or whoever would allow herself/himself/itself to be touched…
As for the Gospel today (Jn 16:12-15), I'd recommend to see the commentary on one of my favorite websites: Click here
Okay, it's a Reformation site (Lutheran) but the analysis of the text is really very insightful. Here's an excerpt to convince you:
"When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own, but will speak whatever he hears" (Jn 16:13). And what he hears comes from the Father, who is now an open book to us (v. 15). The things we cannot bear (v. 12) have been borne by Christ for us, so there is nothing threatening about the truth any longer. In fact, the Truth about us is now great news: when the Spirit declares to us the Truth from the Father, we really receive it. It's as if we're the customs agent and the Spirit is traveling through our port of call on the Father's behalf. Anything to declare, we ask? Yes, everything, the Spirit answers. Salvation, eternity, righteousness are all submitted for our inspection--and our immersion. For what the Spirit has to declare is the Father himself, and the Spirit's destination is our own heart. His passport is the Cross, and he comes to make his home in us. The Spirit is his breath of peace that transforms our sinful hearts into hearts justified by faith.