Blessed Christmas!

As my Christmas greeting to all, I'd like to share this lovely video link of the phenomenal 18-year old Filipina Charice Pempengco, singing at Rockefeller, with David Foster at the piano. This is to remind us that yes, Christmas is for children, but also for grown-ups too... listen closely to the words.
Speaking of Christmas, it is beautiful to know that Christmas is being celebrated still in many parts of the world and with much gusto! Having said this, though, I'd also like to be reminded that there are some areas in the world where this can't be done because of various factors such as lack of security and religious persecution. This reminds me of my very special experience of Christmas last year in Taipei, Taiwan, in the midst of the Chinese people, but not only; guess what, in the pew infront of me was a lovely 2 year-old Iraqi girl with her parents! When the parish priest called out the different groups of people to come up the altar and be greeted by the assembly (and vice-versa), the whole "tribe" of middle eastern people including this family came up!
While we rejoice then this Christmas, let us remember those who cannot express this same joy openly and ask the Christchild to visit them in a special way with his light and grace! In the same vein, let us pray for those who are bearing so much pain and sadness and have no one to share this with. May they be given the grace to encounter someone who will be the "ears, mouth, hand, face" of Christ, Saviour and Light of the world, for them!
Blessed Christmas to all!