
What does conversion mean for someone who struggles daily to be at peace with her God, with herself, with others? The experience of Moses in today's First Reading (Ex 3:1-8.13-15) provides an insight. Conversion is drawing closer to the "Mystery" in the most intimate way possible; it is delving deeply into the "Presence" who is both "tremendum et fascinans," frightening but also fascinating!
But there is more: conversion is at the same time fuller and passionate engagement with persons, human reality, current events, signs of the times. It is embracing reality in one's heart, with all its pains and joys, and uniting all these to the heart of God.
Such is the challenge I am living today, Third Sunday of Lent . I'd like so much to stay quiet, enjoy this day of prayer and recollection but the constant calls won't leave me at peace.
Hence I live conversion by making myself available, opening my heart to the Mystery of every reality, of every person. I "seek the face of God" and ask "his Name" -- as I speak to a person and contemplate her reality. Then, in my silent moment, when it finally comes, I bring her before God, fully entrusting her to the all-good, all-knowing, all-beautiful Father/Mother/Lover/ Master/Friend.