second life

Something caught my eye in the tabloid that was handed to me while leaving the metro station yesterday. Ever heard of Second Life? Born in 2003, it's a virtual community which now brags of 4.5 million "inhabitants" mainly "personages" who desire to begin again, starting from zero. By the way, the "inhabitants," if I understood right, are avatars (Hindu for the incarnate deity).
Then early this morning I was awakened by this radio tune: "What if God was one of us? the bus on his way home!" Like it or not, our age is not content with what it is getting. We have deeper questions other than money, power, sex, etc.
Sadly, most of us don't know where to turn to, here and now, in this First (and Real) life. What consoles me is that we continue to ask questions and to search. For as long as there is that hunger, that desire, I trust we are in place!