And this is how I answered, with some autobiographical resonances certainly. We are women consecrated to God. We use our energies for loving, nurturing, generating life in relation to our fundamental option of answering God's call and dedicating our whole self – body, spirit, soul – to the project which God has for our life, whatever that may be. Our “sequela Cristi” is a “fatal attraction” in the sense that with this we, like Christ, “choose to die”; we sacrifice everything, even our childbearing potential for his sake, hence we renounce to have physical progeny; for some (my parents, for instance), it meant not having any “future” at all!
In the same vein, it is an “other-worldly-falling-in-love”; it’s a life of continuous conversion, always transcending oneself in order to be evangelised to the depth of our being, and hence to be able to witness to a real Gospel quality presence in the society, and contribute in a concrete manner to the transformation of relationships, cultures, history. And it is here that we find our future.
Is this a realistic option? Are consecrated women happy in their choice? I invite you to contemplate the picture which comes with this post.