Calling, not career

The mission of evangelization is not meant only for the Pope, bishops, priests, nuns and professional church workers (symbolized by the 12 apostles). Here’s an enriching commentary on this Sunday’s Gospel (Lk 10:1-12. 17-20) which speaks of the mission as something belonging to the whole people of God (symbolized by the 70 = 70 nations in the Book of Genesis). The commentary presents the premise that we all have been called and sent on a mission dedicated to the care and redemption of the world. The problem is that this calling to serve the world gets perverted into the self-aggrandizing and burdensome pursuit of career. The solution is that in Jesus Christ career can be transformed into the blessing of a calling/vocation.
Here are some excerpts. To read the whole commentary, please click here
Step 2: Advanced Diagnosis (Internal Problem) - "What's in it for me?"
Jesus' description of the mission of the 70 assumes that it wouldn't take too much for them to be tempted to turn their appointment to a calling to serve into a career focused on their own advancement. The 70's natural selfish inclination to only be concerned about their own perks gets reinforced by the impossible size of the harvest and the threats of the wolves. They turn inward. Their first impulse to ask "What's in it for me?" is anticipated by Jesus as he warns them against accumulating too much baggage, shopping for the best deal for themselves and not being too upset by the frequent rejections from those who could care less about their mission. And even when they do enjoy some success by defeating the demons, Jesus reminds them that their mission is not about their success. It is not about their fame and reputation. Jesus offers these warnings because he knows that the 70 and we are more likely to put our trust in our own success than the One who called us. It doesn't take much to turn what began as a calling to serve others into a career dedicated to our own self-promotion because we (and not God) are the only ones that matter.
Step 6: Final Prognosis (External Solution) - "Beyond the Bottom Line"
Confident that they have a calling and not just a career, authorized by the only One who matters, the 70 and we can be sure that God is on our side and that is all we need. Therefore, we are freed from having to worry about the bottom line. Instead we get to travel through this world lightly, no longer worried about having to accumulate a bunch of stuff. Rejection no longer devastates us. We no longer have to play games pitting people against each other in order to get the best deal. We don't need to be patted on the back for being able to get demons to submit to us. Being loved by God and certain that our name is written in the Book of heaven is all that matters. No longer driven by the bottom line, we are truly free to serve others and let them know that the Kingdom of God has come near in Jesus Christ. We can rejoice in our calling to live lives dedicated not to our careers but to the care and redemption of this world.