Turning point

"When the days drew near for him to be taken up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem" (Lk 9:51). This is the turning point for Jesus in Luke’s gospel. Henceforth, it will be a continuous movement towards Jerusalem, that is, towards the passion, death and resurrection – the Paschal Mystery.
Actually the destination goes further – “from Jerusalem to the ends of the world.” The mission must reach the ends of the earth. That is why Jesus needs followers, disciples, committed persons, messengers of the Kingdom of God. "Follow me," he commands.
Our turning point comes when we realize and accept that it is not we but God who is at work. As my
favorite Gospel commentary observes, “the passive "for him to be taken up" summarizes what God accomplishes in Jesus. He has raised his Son from death to life. The second part of that pivotal verse, "he set his face to go to Jerusalem" shows that Jesus would stop at nothing to see God's mission through. What makes us fit for the Kingdom of God? The answer is not what, but who. Jesus' death on the cross wipes away all traces of our excuses, sins, and misplaced trust. His resurrection to new life clears the way for us to enter the Kingdom (unencumbered by our self will).

May our "turning point" come soon!