
As Christ’s disciples we are invited to always count our blessings and that is what I try to do everyday even if at times, everything seems murky and I couldn’t find meaning in what I am doing.
Yesterday, I had the blessing of discovering a
website which talks about a symbol of life – the labyrinth. It is actually a medieval symbol of life’s journey that I was inspired to embrace since my last birthday because it strongly depicts my state of soul. I never realized it has been “revived” and it is now being used as a means of meditation in Cape Town, South Africa. The other element of blessing is that I came to know about it through a significant person who “serendipitously” discovered it as he explored the place during his latest mission there! Really, nothing happens by chance!
Today, I have the blessing of reading a “good news” from Zenit about a film on vocations that was named the winner of Gabriel Award in California given by the Catholic Academy for Communication Arts Professionals. It is an 18-minute DVD entitled "Fishers of Men," part of a vocational recruitment project launched last year by the U.S. episcopal conference. I find it extremely moving and I think it is worth showing to the world. The trailer of the video can be seen at
A third blessing I am waiting for is the celebration of the Divine Master Sunday tomorrow. It is a Solemnity which we in the Pauline Family, together with our friends and collaborators, celebrate to honor Jesus Christ as Divine Master, Way, Truth and Life. For the celebration here in Rome, you can see the program in this webpage. This year, the day is also made special by the fact that with it begins my annual retreat – 7 days of silence, prayer and rest in the Lord. And in silence, prayer, rest, I am sure that other blessings flow…